Sunday, February 08, 2009
Wah~ 2nd month of 2009 le...

haha.... i guess i'm really duper long to update myself here..
my internet was down ever since last year i guess.
Finally!!! i'm back (=

Nothing much to mention of this year CNY
due to falling ill for about a week
the reason behind remains unsolved..
perhaps i should be careful of what my intake is..
oh yea... it's not during CNY... but is the week before (that Friday)

kinda sad n disappointed...
if i can be pink in health,
maybe, i won't be .... .... ....

anyway, it's over (=
should look at the bright side of life
n think positively...

(= i'm glad that my CNY is good too,
went to lou hei ... haha... the lou only (=
but it was good enough le
haha... does lou hei enable to wish for better health??
puzzle...maybe not.. whatever it is, i wish all to

haha... i recall a cold joke which relates to WANG WANG

exams in about 2 weeks time,
falls on 20, 24,26 Feb
Hope everything will turn out fine (=

it will be a longer break after this examination till mid-April
not much plans yet..haha..
hope to catch a concert maybe...

Have a good day/night (=
n Jia You~ Smile (=

~sayonaRa~ 1:22 AM.